Handmade Treasures By Tari

homepage for a handmade journal website

Welcome back! Today I wanted to take some time and walk you through a website I've recently created for a local artist in Santa Fe. We created a landing page and a store so she can sell her handmade journals anywhere in the world.

screenshot of the store page

Let's talk a little bit about the landing page. We want it to be extremely clear what the purpose of the site is. Here you can see we have a clean image of the journals that are for sale, along with an informative site title informing visitors that they are all handmade. A quick scroll down of the page will reveal that the site is an online shop revealing featured work, prices and links to the larger shop page. now, we can quickly and easily catch the eye of our viewers and direct them to the shop.

footer with a subscription block

The next thing we want to focus on is building trust and engaging our viewers. We can easily do this with an about section containing a brief blurb and a welcoming photograph of the business owner. People are more likely to purchase an item, (especially a handmade item or artwork) if they can create a perceived connection with the person who is creating the product. This about blurb accomplishes this, as do the instagram extension and newsletter area. When selling custom or high ticket items, building trust and a rapport with your clients is the best way to create lasting connections that translate into repeated sales and happy, loyal customers.

new journals on display

The shop should be easy to navigate, clear in what it offers and consistent in the way its presenting!

Thank for joining me again, see you next time!


Michele Renae Spiritual Council