How to make your website your best sales tool

At the end of the day, your website is supposed to be your biggest tool for promoting your business online. As a web designer, it is my goal to grow your business and create a foundation of success for you. As a designer I have many fantastic tools to work with and the most important one is a good dialogue with my clients. When talking with clients we need to stress the importance of quality content to substantiate our design.

This content comes in a few basic forms:

  • Professional photographs

  • Thoughtful and relevant content

  • A professional social media presence

It is our job as designers to make a fluid, responsive and well designed site. We need to listen to our clients, to understand their business goals and motivations. We cannot force our clients to take professional photographs or create quality content for us, but we should all try our best to create something beautiful that serves our goals. At the end of the day, we are creating a tool to promote our clients work and we need to encourage them to create their very best work to show the world through their websites. Helping our clients realize that they should be putting up their very best work is the BEST way we can generate business through their website.

Professional Photographs

Professional photo model

Professional photographs are an amazing way to increase the quality of your websites. If your clients are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a new website, we should always bring up the idea of hiring a photographer for an hour session.

Professional photographs are an amazing way to increase the quality of your websites. If your clients are willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a new website, we should always bring up the idea of hiring a photographer for an hour session.

A website only needs 3-10 professional photos to turn your design into a masterpiece. Quality photos add trust and authority to your brand and encourage potential buyers to navigate through your pages. a $100 photoshoot could be the difference of thousands of dollars in revenue farther down the road. This basic idea applies to social media posts and written content as well. The small term investment into creating thoughtful content will be repaid 100 fold in the future.


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