What tools can we use as web designers to grow our clients businesses?

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Now that we have talked about the importance of design and understanding your clients business, lets talk about the tools we can use to grow their business and help them succeed. First, lets go over the tools we have at our disposal, then we can use an example of when it would be best to use a specific one over another. The most common and effective tools we can use as designers are:

  • Blogs (Just like this one!)

  • Newsletters and opt-in Email blasts

  • Online stores

  • Social Media integration

  • SEO services

  • Great design

  • Professional portfolios

  • Etc.

Most of our tools serve to create a bond between the business and customer. This bond consists of trust, authority and reputability. The first thing you want to do when someone reaches your landing page is build trust with them. You want your customers to feel as though they are in a high quality and secure environment. This can be done with a well laid out landing page, containing information about the business and what they offer. This is a fantastic opportunity to include an about section where the clients are greeted with you as the business owner so they can relate you you before considering what services you are offering.

Now, when is the best time to use say, a blog? Blogs are fantastic tools if you are selling something to a small niche of people or if your goods/services have a high price tag. A blog is a tool we can use to demonstrate our master over our subject matter and present ourselves as the authority on the subject. People are much more likely to use your services if they are confident that you know what you are doing and will be the best person for the job. This is especially important if you are selling something expensive like: a house, fine art, legal services etc. For these high price items, people are not likely to purchase them the first time they come to a site, it is good to provide quality information on services that people can research, refer to and work up to.

Our next post will be about SEO and how important it is to the longevity of a website and its effectiveness in generating business.

We are only starting to scratch the surface with how these development tools can be used to grow a business so subscribe to our blog to keep up to date with our latest tips and instruction!


What the heck is SEO?


How can a website grow your business and solve your problems?